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How to Post a Job and Invite Workers

To find the right candidate for a job, you need 4-5 applications for screening. Make sure you include specific details so that applicants can understand the work and you can easily find the best worker.

Here is how you can post a job on SiteWorker and invite workers:

Step 1: Once you’re logged in your account, click “+ Post Job” on the left side of the menu bar.

Post job and invite workers


Step 2: First, select Job from the drop-down list in the top left of the dashboard.

Post job and invite workers


Step 3: On the following screen, you’ll be asked to enter job details. It’s a 4-step process, as you see in the progress bar on the top.

Post job and invite workers


Step 4: Enter specific job details accurately.

Post job and invite workers

Add questions to screen applicants easily.

Post job and invite workers


Step 5: Once you’ve added all details, click on the Save button to save job details.

Post job and invite workers

You’ll see this message in the bottom left of your screen:

Post job and invite workers


Step 6: Now, click on the Pay Details button to progress to the second step of the process.

Post job and invite workers


Step 7: To enter pay details, select the Employment Type.

Post job and invite workers

Also, enter other details like the range of hourly rate, per diem rate (if you offer daily per diem), and mileage rate (if you pay for mileage). Finally, select the Job Type: open market or private.

Post job and invite workers


Step 8: Click on the Save button to save pay details.

Post job and invite workers

You’ll see this message in the bottom left of your screen:

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Step 9: Finally, click on the Review & Confirm button.

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Step 10: Review your job details carefully and make any necessary changes. Once confirmed, click on the Post Job button.

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You’ll see the following message on your screen.

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Step 11: Select and Invite Workers.

On the following screen, you’ll see a list of workers for you to choose for the job posted. You can filter the list according to your preferences:

Post job and invite workers


Step 12: Click on the +Add button to select a worker.

Post job and invite workers

You’ll see the list of all selected workers on the right side of your screen.

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Step 13: Click on the Invite button to invite all selected workers to apply for the job.

Post job and invite workers

You’ll see this message on your screen. Invite has been successfully sent to all selected workers.
Post job and invite workers

Now, wait for applications from selected workers!

Also, check our quick steps to search for a worker for a job.

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