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How to Offer a Project to a Subcontractor

To offer a project to a subcontractor, you need to provide accurate project details. Here is how you can offer a project on SiteWorker and invite subcontractors:

Step 1: Once you logged in to your account, click “+ Post Project” on the left side of the menu bar.

offer a project to subcontractors

Step 2: On the following screen, you’ll be asked to enter project details. Fill in all the details carefully according to your project needs.

offer a project to subcontractors

Work Scope is optional: If you have a file explaining milestones, reports, deliverables, and other things related to the project, you can upload it.

Step 3: Once you’ve added all project details, click on the Jobsite button.

offer a project to subcontractors

Step 4: Enter the Jobsite.

Now, you’ve to provide the details of the Jobsite. You can choose an existing Jobsite from the drop-down list in the left pane:

offer a project to subcontractors

If there’s no existing Jobsite, you’ll have to add it manually. Click on the “New Jobsite” button in the left pane.

Step 5: Enter required details about the Jobsite.

In the Job Description box, explain the Jobsite clearly and inclusively. You can also upload the “Work Scope” file at this step.

offer a project to subcontractors

Once done, click on the Save & Next button to save details and move on to the next step.

Step 6: Create LineItem for your project.

Click on +LineItem on the left pane and enter the details. After this, click on the “Save & Next” button to move on to the next step.

offer a project to subcontractors

Step 7: Add a Milestone.

Click on the “+ Milestone” button in the left pane to add the milestone for your project.

offer a project to subcontractors

Step 8: Enter the Milestone details.

To add a line item for the milestone, click on the “+ Line Item” button below “Deliverables”.

offer a project to subcontractors

Select the Line Item from the “Available” list on the left and click the “>” sign to move it to “Selected” on the right. Once done, click on the Save button.

offer a project to subcontractors

Step 9: Finally, click on the “Save & Next” button to move on to the next step.

offer a project to subcontractors

Step 10: Now, click on the “Review & Confirm” button.

offer a project to subcontractors

Make sure you review everything clearly and check if any information you filled is incorrect or not. If you find anything incorrect, change it and save it.

After this, click on “Post Project”.

offer a project to subcontractors

Step 11: Select and Invite Subcontractor.

On the following screen, you’ll see a list of subcontractors for you to choose for your project. You can filter the list according to your preferences:

offer a project to subcontractors

Step 12: Click on the “+Add” button to select a subcontractor. And, invite the selected subcontractors for your project.

offer a project to subcontractors

Now, wait for the subcontractor to respond. After this, understand how to do bid comparisons to select a subcontractor.

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