Empowering Companies

Businesses Charging Forward

Before Starting a Project

  • Post detailed project descriptions.
    At any time, publish project postings to a network of vetted subcontractors and workers. You can set up multiple projects for multiple work sites on SiteWorker, as well.
  • Set flexible milestones.
    Track your green energy project’s progress to ensure everything stays on schedule and meets your specific goals. Make a few fun milestones to spice things up, and reward your hires each step of the way.
  • Hire Individual Workers
    If you need to fill in a workforce gap or two, you can select from thousands of workers on our network. Workers who require additional training can sign up for our Upskills program, at no additional cost to you.
  • See any subcontractor’s success rate and resume.
    Before starting a project, know who you’re hiring and what they’ve accomplished (or haven’t). Renewable energy projects are expensive, so make sure every dollar spent is spent wisely.
  • Compare bids.
    Subcontractors want your money. Make ‘em compete for it. Choose from only the most reliable, skilled teams that fit within your budget.
  • Answer bidding questions.
    Negotiations happen. That’s the nature of business. If subcontractors request clarity on a project, its requirements, or its payouts, you can always respond before moving forward.

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Once a Project Starts

  • Assign knowledgeable supervisors.
    Hey, life happens, too. Unexpected situations come up. Leadership may change as a project develops, and everyone needs to know, in real-time, when that occurs.
  • Get accurate evidence of work done.
    Review timesheets and documents on demand. Always know who’s actually working and when. Keep tabs on when part of a project is completed, how it was completed, and if anything requires follow-up.
  • Receive important notifications.
    Never miss a critical update or an important milestone

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After a Project Completes

  • Award individual job sites or the entire project.
    SiteWorker can handle all payments, bonuses, and surprise expenditures. Keep critical payroll timesheets organized in one spot, at all times, and accessible by all approved parties.
  • Accept closeout packages.
    Keep your bosses (and investors) happy. SiteWorker processes all final documents  from the subcontractors once the project is finished.
  • Share Ratings & Reviews.
    After closeout, Rate & Review the subcontractors. Leave an awesome review for awesome work, and boost your rep along with the subcontractor’s (they get to Rate & Review your business, too).

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Join Our Network
Access the biggest and best connected workforce network in clean energy.
Find Subcontractors and Workers
Select from skilled, experienced, and reliable crews.
Stay Organized
All administrative documentation managed on one platform.
Set Milestones
Reward crews based on performance.
Ensure Safety
Guarantee safety checks at all work sites.
Keep Updated
Stay in the loop with your project’s real-time notifications.

Do The Real Work

SiteWorker connects companies with workers more efficiently on one easy-to-access platform to save time and energy.